Ankur Akvaliya

Results 23 issues of Ankur Akvaliya

With angular 8 Ivy it prevents production build since it contains deep import. Getting below error and build fails. `WARNING in Entry point 'ngx-restangular' contains deep imports into 'E:/test_app/node_modules/core-js/features/object'`

I'd like to use this library in Angular 7. Is there any wrapper/directive developed for using this library?

Getting below error in `ng serve` with `enableIvy` in Angular 8. `ERROR in Symbol Base64Validator declared in E:/test_project/node_modules/ng2-validation/dist/base64/directive.js is not exported from E:/test_project/node_modules/ng2-validation/dist/base64/directive (import into E:/test_project/node_modules/ng2-validation/dist/index.js) `

I have a specific icons provided by client & have to use exact. How can i use these in wizard?

I have implemented this plugin. I have checked place PlaceResult object & it doesn't return [structured_formatting ]( How can i fetch this data on place change event?

I have tried to use start-date but still range picker is opening on current date. any idea how to open on specific date?

When i try to use schedular in typescript (Angular 8). I use these ``` import "dhtmlx-scheduler"; import {} from "@types/dhtmlxscheduler"; ``` First import works fine. But second line gives me...

What is the best way to reinitialize scheduler. I have app which supports multi-language. When language localization data doesn't apply to light-box action buttons until scheduler's `init` method called again....

**version**: @version 3.0.4 ## Description When i click on item second time on the same item mm-active class gets removed. This is unexpected behavior. It's breaks requirements to show active...

Resolve issue of warning on `npm install` on angular 6 or 7 projects