Akua Amponsah
Akua Amponsah
@thetif This ticket is ready for dev! :)
This is not a login page but I like how the information is presented here. https://onemac.cms.gov/
## Closing Notes As of April 12th 2023 **FYI** System outage/schedule maintenance help text comes from the[ eAPD Inquiry Response Document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16b_s-rw8tkjGXA_JyBHxoZb5sVLh1c47y3SPaZsLmTA/edit#heading=h.4gh8p1vexr4f) that Caryn wrote. ### [Scheduled Maintenance Workflow: User access...
@jeromeleecms @stephanieboydcms @SGilliamA1M This ticket is ready to review. I still need to ask Tif questions about how certain aspects would work, next week, so this is not a final...
Okay this is ready for review again :) @stephanieboydcms @jeromeleecms
@jeromeleecms @SGilliamA1M Im removing this from the MMIS v1 creation and moving this MES expansion. I think a lot of this should be revisited maybe when we create a state...
For the scope of this ticket, this looks good! Im assuming for the ticket dealing with the APD Overview, the field name would be added to the HITECH and MMIS...
@SGilliamA1M @stephanieboydcms @jeromeleecms I think this epic is good to close now.
@jeromeleecms Below is the my list of outstanding copy changes. It is titled outstanding MMIS help text changes on the bottom right of the page. Let me know if I...
Thanks @jeromeleecms and @stephanieboydcms . I will apply these changes.