
Results 10 comments of akssieg

I started working on figuring out how to put together depth occlusion + light estimation + hit test with WebXR. Is there a plan to support these things via Model-Viewer?...

Hi Ruofeidu, Thanks for providing the pointer to the WebXR proposals. Regards, AK

@ruofeidu I am following your suggestion on code translation from C# to JavaScript but how to estimate [DepthSource.FocalLength.x](https://github.com/googlesamples/arcore-depth-lab/blob/5617f37bc2d7a07036171a5a876dbb25797de204/Assets/ARRealismDemos/OrientedReticle/Scripts/OrientedReticle.cs#L240) ? I don't see any intrinsic matrix in the data structure of...

Is [Depthinfo.normDepthBufferFromNormView](https://www.w3.org/TR/webxr-depth-sensing-1/#dom-xrdepthinformation-normdepthbufferfromnormview) a projection matrix? Can I use it to estimate focal length?

Is depth occlusion supported now in Babylonjs?

@rthadur How to access that "rotated faces" feature?

@AdaRoseCannon Initially I was trying the hit test api but it performs very poorly on vertical walls and the roof. I think it first estimate a plane then a hit...

Is [Depthinfo.normDepthBufferFromNormView](https://www.w3.org/TR/webxr-depth-sensing-1/#dom-xrdepthinformation-normdepthbufferfromnormview) a projection matrix? Can I use it to find field of view, focal length, etc?

@bialpio I am actually little confused here. Is that projection matrix for RGB camera or ToF camera?