Akshay Chintalapati

Results 6 issues of Akshay Chintalapati

Updated the penultimate markdown to align with the code in the following cell

Updating this base file as well as the .ipynb file of the example on the website: https://github.com/hwchase17/langchain/compare/master...akshayvkt:langchain:patch-1 https://langchain.readthedocs.io/en/latest/modules/document_loaders/examples/everynote.html

Updating the filename and all the references from Everynote to Evernote since the actual application name is EverNote. Also updated the example file showed on the website to reflect this:...

1. Updated the deprecated modules (training_epoch_end and validation_epoch_end) to the new modules (on_train_epoch_end and on_validation_epoch_end). 2. Removed 'outs argument from both functions because the model fails to train with the...

1.Added code to create images folder if it doesn't exist. 2. The `process_pdf` function was not using the sub-agent prompt generated by Opus, i changed the line of code to...

1. Added `google-generativeai` to requirements.txt to prevent the below error when running **maestro-anyapi.py** ```shell import google.generativeai as genai # type: ignore ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'google.generativeai' ``` 2. Updated...