Aaron Kriegman
Aaron Kriegman
I went with the empty plot trick. Thanks!
I am having a similar issue. I generally keep several wezterm windows open for days at a time. At some point wezterm starts using around 20% of a cpu continuously,...
> is it common to put the skip comment after a variable name? that seems super weird, is that how Rust does it? The idea is it can go anywhere...
Thanks for the reply. It's good to know there's a reason that the API was made this way, although I don't fully understand it. I'll use that solution, but I...
> @akriegman Maybe I didn't understand something, but `view` is supposed only to display things. A nice analogy is that it is equivalent to the `View` in `MVC`. > >...
Hi Alex, I had a similar problem to you. What I did is I used the `lazy_static` package so my command line arguments could be in the global scope. I...
I was able to get around this by overriding the `show` implementation given in `SymPy.jl`: ``` Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", s::SymPy.SymbolicObject) = print(io, pystr(sympy.pretty(s))) ``` Still, not sure why this happened in...
For the record, I went with the simple solution where I just hacked stuff together using the existing API, and I'm getting quite good performance for my use case. For...
Thanks for the response. I tried that solution and there were some problems. `Complex{Dual}` worked for some functions like polynomials, but didn't work for functions like `sin`. If we look...
> Changing `Dual`s supertype to `Number` will be incredibly disruptive and break a lot of code. I think there is no chance a PR doing this will be merged so...