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Complex Differentiation

Open akriegman opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

I'd really like to be able to differentiate complex functions with ForwardDiff. For almost all analytic functions, the derivative can be taken in the same way as in the real case, so Julia's dynamic type system should make complex diferentiation work out of the box. It seems to me that the only reason it doesn't is because many functions in ForwardDiff accept Real arguments, but if we simply changed these to accept Numbers then we should be most of the way there. Functions that are not analytic such as real, imag, abs, conj, abs2, reim should all return errors when their derivatives are taken at a complex input. For example, consider these two functions:

f(z) = z^2
g(z) = Complex(real(z)^2 - imag(z)^2, 2 * real(z) * imag(z))

These functions are equal and both analytic, but it is not obvious by looking at g that it is analytic. In my opinion, it would be acceptable if derivative(f, im) worked while derivative(g, im) threw an error.

I already started experimenting with this. I copied the definitions of several functions in ForwardDiff and just replaced Real with Complex, like so:

ForwardDiff.can_dual(::Type{Complex{T}}) where {T<:Real} = true

@inline function ForwardDiff.derivative(f::F, x::R) where {F,R<:Complex}
  T = typeof(Tag(f, R))
  return extract_derivative(T, f(Dual{T}(x, one(x))))
@inline function Base.:*(partials::Partials, x::Complex)
  return Partials(scale_tuple(partials.values, x))
@inline function Base.:/(partials::Partials, x::Complex)
  return Partials(div_tuple_by_scalar(partials.values, x))
@inline Base.:*(x::Complex, partials::Partials) = partials * x
@inline Base.:*(partials::Partials{0,V}, x::Complex) where {V} = Partials{0,promote_type(V, typeof(x))}(tuple())
@inline Base.:*(x::Complex, partials::Partials{0,V}) where {V} = Partials{0,promote_type(V, typeof(x))}(tuple())
@inline Base.:/(partials::Partials{0,V}, x::Complex) where {V} = Partials{0,promote_type(V, typeof(x))}(tuple())

This was enough for me to correctly differentiate sin. I expect that if we just do this throughout ForwardDiff (and replace the Real definitions with Number, instead of adding Complex definitions like I did here), then we'll be most of the way there. Here's my plan:

  1. Find and replace Real with Number throughout the repository
  2. Tweak things until all the test cases pass
  3. Add test cases for complex functions

I'm tempted to actually do this and make a pull request as soon as I have some time to do so.

akriegman avatar Apr 25 '22 15:04 akriegman

Just use a Complex{<:Dual}.

Note DualNumbers.jl takes the other approach you advocate but is planned to be redesigned as ForwardDiff.Dual

dlfivefifty avatar Apr 25 '22 18:04 dlfivefifty

What could be added is support for derivative(f, im) but that doesn't require a redesign of Dual.

dlfivefifty avatar Apr 25 '22 18:04 dlfivefifty

Thanks for the response. I tried that solution and there were some problems.

Complex{Dual} worked for some functions like polynomials, but didn't work for functions like sin. If we look at the source code for sin(::Complex), which gets called when we try sin(::Complex{Dual}):

function sin(z::Complex{T}) where T
    F = float(T)
    zr, zi = reim(z)
    if zr == 0
        Complex(F(zr), sinh(zi))
    elseif !isfinite(zr)
        if zi == 0 || isinf(zi)
            Complex(F(NaN), F(zi))
            Complex(F(NaN), F(NaN))
        s, c = sincos(zr)
        Complex(s * cosh(zi), c * sinh(zi))

So if we call derivative(sin, im) (after overloading derivative and extract_derivative to use Complex{Dual}) we end up in the first code path because zr === Dual(0, 1) == 0. However, this gives the wrong answer because zr != sin(zr) * cosh(zi). These expressions have the same real part, but different infinitesimal parts.

Simply passing a Dual into the implementation of sin(::Real) from Base wouldn't work for similarish reasons, which is why ForwardDiff provides a method for sin(::Dual)

function Base.sin(d::Dual{T}) where T
    s, c = sincos(value(d))
    return Dual{T}(s, c * partials(d))

If we wanted to use Complex{Dual}, we would have to make this method and methods like it take both Dual and Complex{Dual}. Alternatively, we could use Dual{Complex}. It seems to me that the trade off is between replacing Dual with Union{Dual, Complex{Dual}} throughout the codebase or replacing Real with Number. The second option seems preferable, but the first might work too with some trickery.

As for DualNumbers.jl, that is an option, but it doesn't have a derivative interface to hide the dual numbers, and it isn't actively maintained. Maybe I could look into using TaylorSeries.jl. In any case I think ForwardDiff would benefit from this feature.

What could be added is support for derivative(f, im) but that doesn't require a redesign of Dual.

To be clear, I tried this when I was experimenting with Complex{Dual}, and ran into the problems described above.

akriegman avatar Apr 25 '22 20:04 akriegman

Changing Duals supertype to Number will be incredibly disruptive and break a lot of code. I think there is no chance a PR doing this will be merged so I would recommend not putting time into that.

I don't think you would have to add Unions everywhere, only special cases where the default breaks (such as sin). For example, exp already works:

julia> exp(Complex(Dual(0,1),Dual(1,0)))
Dual{Nothing}(0.5403023058681398,0.5403023058681398) + Dual{Nothing}(0.8414709848078965,0.8414709848078965)*im

dlfivefifty avatar Apr 26 '22 10:04 dlfivefifty

Changing Duals supertype to Number will be incredibly disruptive and break a lot of code. I think there is no chance a PR doing this will be merged so I would recommend not putting time into that.

Okay, fair enough. Also, I just noticed that I posted this issue on DualNumbers and not ForwardDiff, my bad 😬

Taking a closer look at ForwardDiff, we wouldn't actually have to change that many places to take Complex{<:Dual} in addition to Dual. Most of the special function definitions for Duals are done with unary_dual_definition and binary_dual_definition, so we just have to change those and a couple other places. I might give that a go.

akriegman avatar Apr 26 '22 10:04 akriegman