A Koolen-Bourke

Results 13 issues of A Koolen-Bourke

I was doing some test integration of cppcoro into our product but linker errors meant we could not proceed due to the use of WaitOnAddress/WakeByAddressAll. We have a product with...

I have found that if I have an scene that is unloaded and later reloaded (new game, respawn etc) that I get more than one copy of the list of...

Hi all. Was fiddling with the hello world tutorial and added an execute system to create a DebugMessage entity in its Execute() call. The set of systems also has a...

Hi there. Just wondering what platforms Entitas is supported on. We're looking for a solution that supports all current platforms....Mac, Windows, tvOS, iOS, consoles etc Thanks

### Description I have a custom struct that is INetworkSerializable. That struct has an array of another struct that is INetworkSerializable. This won't compile and I get the error The...


We are evaluating VContainer and I am experiencing a hard to replicate issue that occasionally results in an exception in VContainer, complaining that there's a certain class not registered and...

We're currently looking to use Node for a backend API and I was wondering if iisnode is still considered the best thing to use or should I look elsewhere nowadays?

I am looking to add SSL/TLS to our ASIO code and the obvious first choice is to use asio::ssl::stream. However I noticed that ssl::stream and tcp::socket share no common base....

We've been getting very long Unity startup times and I enabled profiling in the editor startup and we saw this. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/29034122/113856126-ee413f80-97f4-11eb-8645-2579cfd1d77e.png) Sometimes if we delete Library and obj folders we...

I've noticed that my Unity editor has started doing a reimport about ever 5 seconds. We run an addon called FMOD and if I comment out its called to its...