Karthik K
Karthik K
Since the latest tag / github release - the signatures of NewV1 / V2/ V4 has changed to return an error. Can we have a github release so it is...
For a stored field, given the row key order of field/term - should be straight-forward. A configurable scan limit can be given, that in turn refers to the number of...
To visualize the Lucene index + data, with a hbasene store.
Depends on solr integration , from an API perspective. - For the given field to be faceted, get the low and the high regions and the region servers for the...
- Custom Search Component specific to HBasene. - Solr configuration - NamedList - to take in the parameters needed by HBaseConfiguration, and the properties manually added to a freshly created...
The documentation refers to the following files: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/md-data-table/1.8.0/md-data-table-templates.min.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/md-data-table/1.8.0/md-data-table.min.js https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/md-data-table/1.8.0/md-data-table-style.css When we install through bower repo, can we have the 2 minified js files present in the dist as well...
## 🚀 Feature Currently we have a JavaEE application that uses JAAS ( Java authentication and authorization service ) . Does Supertokens support migrating from JAAS to SuperTokens ? If...
Can we have a semver release of this package - x.y.z , say 1.0.0 so it becomes easy to integrate the same in apps and track future changes if any...
Using the latest version of ng2-tree. Getting the same error as described in - https://github.com/kelektiv/node-uuid/issues/252. (with node v9.11.1 and npm 6.0.1 ). As per the issue reported - upgrading uuid...
Steps to reproduce: Create a new project with the following versions in `devDependencies` ```json "devDependencies": { "prettier": "^2.7.1", "prettier-plugin-svelte": "^2.7.0", } ``` yarn version ```bash $ yarn --version 3.2.1 ```...