Alan Morris
Alan Morris
Should probably wait for the new portal.
Moving to 6.5 release as this does not need to hold back the 6.4 release.
This Python API will open Studio?
My plan to support contours is to make them explicit in the spreadsheet ("contour_*"), so you would have something like this: | shape_part1 | shape_part2 | contour_boundary| | ----------- |...
How are we generating the shared boundaries?
This should be fairly easy to do, but it's just going to be very time consuming to re-verify all of the use cases. Let's put it off for 6.3 and...
Can we move this to 6.3?
You just need to add this to Info.plist: ``` NSPrincipalClass NSApplication NSHighResolutionCapable True ```
See also #132
Also: Seems like it was added at some point and then explicitly removed.