Adam Kelleher
Adam Kelleher
Great suggestion. We might need a broader overhaul of logging and exception handling. What do you think @amit-sharma ?
@kbattocchi Looks like this might fix the DeepIV implementation! need a hand pushing it over the finish line?
I'll make some time this weekend, if you don't get to it before me!
> @akelleh Yes, that would be great! Thanks for the offer. Having some trouble even getting tests running... Following the build instructions on the main page in a new virtualenv...
> You should also set the environment variable PYTEST_ADDOPTS to `-m "not (notebook or automl or dml)"` so that you're not running a bunch of tests that are unimpacted (and...
I'm unable to replicate this bug -- can you share the data generating code you used here?
good catch! fixed this on master -- do you have a test case to run against it?
Looks good, Ingrid! Ask questions and make comments here, and we can get this thing in there. Try to keep each PR to under 200 lines ... if it's getting...
Hey Ingrid! Just checking in! lmk if you have any questions, and don't forget to keep your PR up to date, even if it's a total work in progress!
Hey @stewartsiu (1) It's fine to print in general, but I want to avoid adding any more print statements to `master`, unless they're reporting errors. We want this to be...