Andrew Ko

Results 18 comments of Andrew Ko

Hello Prakasit, Implementing openCypher spec is what the project is focusing now and then support for PG 12 and 13 to be followed. Obviously since you have been using PostgreSQL...

I know some tests have been done for ShardingSphere + AGE.

I know the support for PostgreSQL 12 is currently being worked on and will soon be available. I suppose the support for PostgreSQL 13 will follow soon after and hope...

Appreciate your insights and suggestions ... will start looking into them :)

Configuring PostgreSQL Replication using WAL Streaming might be a possibility.

Bitnine used Apache AGE Viewer to implement its graph database as a service.

This looks interesting ! I am happy to contribute.

Hi @mhmaguire, can you specify what have been changed and/or added for your needs? Thank you for contributing! AK

Hi @rafsun42 ... Can you look into this PR?

Hi @rafsun42, can this get merged?