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Citus Compatibility

Open sstubbs opened this issue 3 years ago • 14 comments

Is this compatible with the citus extension? I am currently using janusgraph. This looks interesting but I am worried how it would scale if I can't use citus.

sstubbs avatar Apr 18 '21 14:04 sstubbs

+1 I think this is a good point. If AGE support Citus, it would be a great distributed graph database.

emotionbug avatar Apr 18 '21 17:04 emotionbug

-- testing script
LOAD 'age';
SET search_path = ag_catalog, "$user", public;
SELECT create_graph('g');

SELECT create_distributed_table( 'g.ag_label_vertex', 'id' );
-- throw: data type ag_catalog.graphid has no default operator class for specified partition method

I tested follow script with below dockerfile script.

and, it need to support from citus, because of currently only support using the default operator class

# original script from citusdata/docker
FROM postgres:11.11


RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  bison \
  build-essential \
  ca-certificates \
  flex \
  git \
  postgresql-plpython3-11 \
  postgresql-server-dev-11 \

RUN git clone /age \
  && cd /age && make install

# install Citus
RUN curl -s | bash \
    && apt-get install -y postgresql-$PG_MAJOR-citus-10.0.=$CITUS_VERSION \
                          postgresql-$PG_MAJOR-hll=2.15.citus-1 \
                          postgresql-$PG_MAJOR-topn=2.3.1 \
    && apt-get purge -y --auto-remove curl \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# add citus to default PostgreSQL config
RUN echo "shared_preload_libraries='citus,age'" >> /usr/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.sample

# add scripts to run after initdb
COPY 001-create-age-extension.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
COPY 002-create-citus-extension.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

# add health check script
COPY pg_healthcheck /
RUN chmod +x /

# entry point unsets PGPASSWORD, but we need it to connect to workers
RUN sed "/unset PGPASSWORD/d" -i /usr/local/bin/

HEALTHCHECK --interval=4s --start-period=6s CMD ./pg_healthcheck
-- 001-create-age-extension.sql
-- 002-create-citus-extension.sql
-- original script from citusdata/docker

-- wrap in transaction to ensure Docker flag always visible

-- add Docker flag to node metadata
UPDATE pg_dist_node_metadata SET metadata=jsonb_insert(metadata, '{docker}', 'true');

emotionbug avatar Apr 26 '21 05:04 emotionbug

@emotionbug try instead extension version.

yjhjstz avatar Apr 26 '21 06:04 yjhjstz

@yjhjstz of course

SELECT create_distributed_table('g.people', 'id');
-- ERROR:  people is not a regular, foreign or partitioned table

SELECT create_distributed_table('g.ag_edge', 'id');
-- ERROR:  cannot create trigger on graph label

in this time, currently only support using the default operator class has not thrown. but, citus recognized it as an invalid table or AgensGraph cannot create trigger.


FROM bitnine/agensgraph:v2.1.3-debian


# install Citus
RUN apt-get update \
    && build_deps='build-essential libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev flex bison libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libssl-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc pkg-config uuid-dev' \
    && apt-get install -y $build_deps git libcurl4-openssl-dev pax-utils \
    && git clone git clone \
    && git checkout release-8.3 \
    && cd /citus/citus \
    && ./configure \
    && make install \
    && apt-get purge -y --auto-remove curl \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

# add citus to default PostgreSQL config
RUN echo "shared_preload_libraries='citus'" >> /usr/local/share/postgresql/postgresql.conf.sample

# add scripts to run after initdb
COPY 001-create-citus-extension.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

# add health check script
COPY pg_healthcheck /

HEALTHCHECK --interval=4s --start-period=6s CMD ./pg_healthcheck

emotionbug avatar Apr 27 '21 08:04 emotionbug

Citus doesn't support bare inherited tables (i.e., not a partition or partitioned table).

yjhjstz avatar Apr 29 '21 09:04 yjhjstz

@emotionbug , here is branch which I removed inherited table limitation. We can work together.

postgres=# SELECT create_distributed_table('g.person', 'id');
NOTICE:  Copying data from local table...
(1 row)

postgres=# table pg_dist_node;
 nodeid | groupid | nodename  | nodeport | noderack | hasmetadata | isactive | noderole | nodecluster 
      1 |       1 | |     5433 | default  | f           | t        | primary  | default
(1 row)

postgres=# table pg_dist_shard
pg_dist_shard                      pg_dist_shard_logical_relid_index  pg_dist_shard_placement            pg_dist_shard_shardid_index        pg_dist_shardid_seq
postgres=# table pg_dist_shard;
 logicalrelid | shardid | shardstorage | shardminvalue | shardmaxvalue 
 g.person     |  102136 | t            | -2147483648   | -2013265921
 g.person     |  102137 | t            | -2013265920   | -1879048193
 g.person     |  102138 | t            | -1879048192   | -1744830465
 g.person     |  102139 | t            | -1744830464   | -1610612737
 g.person     |  102140 | t            | -1610612736   | -1476395009
 g.person     |  102141 | t            | -1476395008   | -1342177281
 g.person     |  102142 | t            | -1342177280   | -1207959553
 g.person     |  102143 | t            | -1207959552   | -1073741825
 g.person     |  102144 | t            | -1073741824   | -939524097
 g.person     |  102145 | t            | -939524096    | -805306369
 g.person     |  102146 | t            | -805306368    | -671088641
 g.person     |  102147 | t            | -671088640    | -536870913
 g.person     |  102148 | t            | -536870912    | -402653185
 g.person     |  102149 | t            | -402653184    | -268435457
 g.person     |  102150 | t            | -268435456    | -134217729
 g.person     |  102151 | t            | -134217728    | -1
 g.person     |  102152 | t            | 0             | 134217727
 g.person     |  102153 | t            | 134217728     | 268435455
 g.person     |  102154 | t            | 268435456     | 402653183
 g.person     |  102155 | t            | 402653184     | 536870911
 g.person     |  102156 | t            | 536870912     | 671088639
 g.person     |  102157 | t            | 671088640     | 805306367
 g.person     |  102158 | t            | 805306368     | 939524095
 g.person     |  102159 | t            | 939524096     | 1073741823
 g.person     |  102160 | t            | 1073741824    | 1207959551
 g.person     |  102161 | t            | 1207959552    | 1342177279
 g.person     |  102162 | t            | 1342177280    | 1476395007
 g.person     |  102163 | t            | 1476395008    | 1610612735
 g.person     |  102164 | t            | 1610612736    | 1744830463
 g.person     |  102165 | t            | 1744830464    | 1879048191
 g.person     |  102166 | t            | 1879048192    | 2013265919
 g.person     |  102167 | t            | 2013265920    | 2147483647
(32 rows)

yjhjstz avatar May 08 '21 09:05 yjhjstz

@emotionbug can I touch you with Line or WeChat or something?

yjhjstz avatar May 08 '21 09:05 yjhjstz

@yjhjstz my wechat id is emotionbug.

emotionbug avatar May 10 '21 00:05 emotionbug

Is there anything I can test with this to help?

sstubbs avatar Jun 17 '21 18:06 sstubbs

@sstubbs Perhaps you could try to load both Citus and AGE extension and see whether they can both load together? Is order important?

joefagan avatar Jun 18 '21 16:06 joefagan

Has anyone dug around this further? Citus + AGE would be quite the killer combo.

vilkinsons avatar Sep 09 '21 09:09 vilkinsons

I know some tests have been done for ShardingSphere + AGE.

aked21 avatar Dec 08 '21 05:12 aked21

I know some tests have been done for ShardingSphere + AGE.

Do you have any more info on those? We're revisiting this question.

vilkinsons avatar May 11 '22 16:05 vilkinsons

Has anyone found a workaround to make age work with citus?

I see that the following works if _ag_label_vertex does not have any child table:

SELECT create_distributed_table('qwe._ag_label_vertex', 'id');

However, the CREATE command does not work afterwards. I tried multiple times.

postgres=# SELECT * FROM ag_catalog.cypher('qwe', $$ CREATE ({age:2}) $$) as (a ag_catalog.agtype);
ERROR:  unhandled cypher(cstring) function call
DETAIL:  qwe
postgres=# SELECT * FROM ag_catalog.cypher('qwe', $$ CREATE () $$) as (a ag_catalog.agtype);
ERROR:  cannot display a value of type internal
postgres=# SELECT * FROM ag_catalog.cypher('qwe', $$ CREATE ({age:2}) $$) as (a ag_catalog.agtype);
ERROR:  cannot display a value of type internal

rafsun42 avatar May 06 '24 23:05 rafsun42