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Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview

Results 29 up issues
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It would be great if up would support my Readline movement commands. https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Bindable-Readline-Commands.html Thanks.

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I found the color combination not usable so I had to turn it off and ended spinning my own build with nice colors. I'm not much of a go programmer...

This is not an issue per se, but I wrote a small `zsh` function to integrate `up`: ```zsh zle-upify() { buf="$(echo "$BUFFER" | sed 's/[ |]*$//')" tmp="$(mktemp)" eval "$buf |&...

pure ❤️

FZF and [Navi](https://github.com/denisidoro/navi) have the concept of shell widgets, they can take over your prompt and then when you're done leave you with the text you wanted filled-in to your...

Hello. Just discovered the tool and overjoyed about it. However, being one prone to kilometre-long pipelines (which clutter my history with all the trial and errors, hence why I love...

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A mode to compare the difference between the output of two files. Like: ``` $ diff

💡 spark

Hi! I made a quick snap package for up, so that I could easily install/update the program on ubuntu. It is classic (not confined) so it has access to the...

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You're on Hacker News this morning: `https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26644110 Regarding safety issues users on HN have suggested using ptrace to intercept syscalls to simulate commands like "rm" and "dd". This seems like...

🤕 help wanted
💡 spark

Great tool! I have a non-critical feature request: It would be nice if `up` supported color codes such as those output by `grep --color=always`. Thanks!

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😎 good first issue

Hi, I am new to `up` and encountered an issue while using it. When the file is in Chinese, the characters are not displayed normally in the program ``` $...
