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[idea] diff mode

Open rubenrua opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

A mode to compare the difference between the output of two files.


$ diff <(cat file1.txt |& ./up) <(cat file2.txt |& ./up)

It will be very useful to compare two different log of a process. For instance, looking for a bug comparing the correct and the incorrect log output.

rubenrua avatar Mar 31 '21 20:03 rubenrua

Hm; sounds interesting, though it's not yet super clear to me whether and how this could be doable in up at the stage where it currently is. Seen as a pie-in-the-sky, absolutely a thought provoking and inspiring concept, thanks for sharing! For now, I'd think maybe this could be worth a try in either https://userland.org, or https://luna-lang.org; though I can't not admit that the original idea for up was to go in a similar direction as those... 😉

akavel avatar Apr 02 '21 07:04 akavel