up icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
up copied to clipboard

Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview

Results 29 up issues
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Didn't work for me when I tried *up* on MacOS. Need to try if it works on Linux or not, then need to make it work.


There are two missing pieces in `up`: - Persistent shell: Currently up forks a new shell for each command. This is very inefficient (especially if you have a lot of...

💡 spark

It would be great to allow to change colors. My terminal color scheme displays up command line in low contrast.

💡 spark

While typing a command, when I'm in the middle, of course it's going to fail while I'm still writing it because it's not complete. In addition to showing the error...

💡 spark

Love what you've done! I wrote something similar (but not the same) a while back. https://github.com/sebglazebrook/infinite-pipe I think stuff like this is super useful and really changed the way you...

pure ❤️

The document of tcell (https://godoc.org/github.com/gdamore/tcell#Screen) says as following. `SetCell is an older API and will be removed. Please use SetContent instead` This PR alters `SetCell` into `SetContent` .

The new press-enter-to-run mode makes up a lot safer, but it would still be nice to have something like the old mode. Maybe a new mode where the command is...


Including the ability to tab complete would make this tool truly perfect. Great job either way, love this idea!

🤕 help wanted