Hello, I am wondering if there are any APIs that can add HTTP website restrictions to an existing token and etc. This is strongly needed because we have a lot...
please see the title
Hello, it it possible to add new method for `removeSortArg` or smth like that. The reason is -> http://screenshots.client-demo-site.net/scn-20180321-190644-idpkk.png I don't need almost all of these arguments.
Grunt task ``` grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), cacheBust: { build: { options: { queryString: true, baseDir: './assets/', jsonOutput: true, assets: ['css/**/*.css', 'js/**/*.js'], }, files: [{ expand: true, src: ['./views/**/*.ejs'] }] }...
Hi All, I would be great to provide some params(see subj) to secret functions like https://github.com/auth0/socketio-jwt#getting-the-secret-dynamically
`index.js` line number 49 replace to: ```js var absoluteModelPath = path.resolve(modelPath), model = require(absoluteModelPath).default || require(absoluteModelPath); ```
Hi, I've a problem, when config is: ``` js { login_url: '/test/sso/login', consent_url: '/test/sso/consent', } ``` and OpenIDConnect generate url `/login` I found the solution: in line `var q =...
Hello trying to implement JS befaviour for deserialization ```ts function deserialize(value: string | Record): SomeClass { const obj = typeof value === 'string' ? JSON.parse(value) : value; // ... other...