
Results 29 issues of ajtruckle

Hi ! On your samples page: https://kpumuk.info/projects/wordpress-plugins/codecolorer/examples/ Your example code uses "escaped=true" but on this page: https://kpumuk.info/projects/wordpress-plugins/codecolorer In the "Possible Parameters" section this value is not listed. Please clarify. :)...

Out of interest now when I use `--help` I get the help listed twice: ``` C:\Program Files (x86)\Meeting Schedule Assistant\OutlookCalIFConsole>outlookcalifconsole --help OutlookCalIFConsole 2018.4.4.1 Copyright c 2017 - 2018 -l, --list...

Hello ! Since this is a significant version number increase are there any code breaking changes to be aware of? Thank you in advance.


Hi if I am in portrait it is ok: ![8F7B9D04-90D6-4F44-8AA1-4E4587355B70](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7985331/108805250-94175280-7597-11eb-9a05-07d8738571a1.png) When in landscape: ![8ED0ED64-B657-45E4-A42D-A3C286DEF55F](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7985331/108805267-a2656e80-7597-11eb-8c83-5c0baa3adae5.png) It functions but it is quite fiddly not seeing the text. Is there a standard way...

I wanted to try and replicate my Cancel Button click handler: async void CancelButton_Clicked(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Pass the correct "button clicked" value if (NameEntry.IsReadOnly) await _popupPageModel.ClosePopUp(ButtonType.No); else...

Hi ! I think this app is awesome. :) When I first installed it it did all the scanning in the background and worked out all the commits and repositories...

awaiting response

This error stops the build process.

needs investigation

If you look at this [link](https://www.code4nord.com/why-and-how-to-update-microsoft-net-framework-to-the-latest-version/) it exaplains the process for migrating frameworks for the project. The issue I am raising concerns **Packages Retargeting**: > Just setting the .NET Framework...

I have also asked this [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64581283/deleting-a-range-of-calendar-events-with-microsoft-graph-is-not-including-the-a). I am trying to purge a set of calendar events using Microsoft Graph. This is my filter string: `start/dateTime ge '2020-10-26T00:00' and end/dateTime le...


Is it possible to add some kind of support for tables?
