@Magic-wei Thank you so much for your quick response. by the way after the following command how can we install `kitti2bag` package? ``` # in case you already have ROS...
@Magic-wei Thank you its working well now
@diegoavillegasg Thanks a lot for a detailed explanation. Really appreciate it.
@diegoavillegasg Could you please give me clarification on this. ? 1. Question > imu_w : it's the imu rotational velocity (given in the vehicle frame) > imu_f : it's the...
@diegoavillegasg Actually am trying to test with LGSVL simulator with Autoware localization output recorded in the bag file is as follows. LiDAR topic: /ndt_pose header: seq: 1181 stamp: secs: 1586413606...
Hello All, I am also getting the following error when I tried to build ORB_SLAM2 in ros. The error message is as follows. ``` Building ROS nodes -- The C...
@Keerthan020 Thank you so much for your kind response. Yes, it is working now.
@Quitino I am looking for some material related PnP problem. Could you please share if you have already found any good resource.
@manymuch I have tested with a Custom dataset in KITTI format and the results look pretty good. But as you mentioned in your comment, there are some parameters needed to...
@scott81321 I am extremely sorry if my comments were bothering you !! And nowhere am talking about noise covariance or accuracy parameter tuning. My question related to the real-time ability...