
Results 82 issues of aiuto

(21:31:16) ERROR: Analysis of target '//google:src/test/java/com/google/common/flogger/GoogleLoggerTest' failed; build aborted: Android SDK api level 29 was requested but it is not installed in the Android SDK at /opt/android-sdk-linux. The api levels...


- point to bazelbuild/platforms for @platforms - Use a newer version of rules_go for our internal rules. - Make a bzl file used in a test visible to the tests....

bazel_federation has been essentially unstaffed for 2 years. Using it to get our dependencies is not helping.

It is often extremely useful to embed a generated (or static) binary object directly in a C++ library. For example, the ICU library build compiles text files describing character attributes...

type: feature request

We can move "Implemented" and Dropped to a history index. The main view should show what is interesting. The priority for that is 1. What is under review 2. What...


- use version.bzl to get the version - add instructions to mirror the tarball - remind people to update bazel by fixing distdir_deps.bzl

- A smoke test to make sure the BUILD files parse - bonus points for producing a listing of all the defined cpu & OS values - perhaps the listing...


Proposal: Create a rule(s) that can create a zip/tar archives from a set of sources. This would not be available at Bazel runtime as part of @tools (even though the...

type: feature request

buildifier will warn if you specify a common attribute in a macro wrapping a rule, but then do not document it. This creates needless churn because the documentation really belongs...

We should not do this. - distribs() is no-op in bazel and being completely remove soon. - licenses() is a no-op in bazel, but is still widely seen, even if...