aisuneko icecat

Results 8 issues of aisuneko icecat

``` .bashrc:7: command not found: shopt .bashrc:12: command not found: shopt .bashrc:82: command not found: shopt .bashrc:167: parse error near `end' ``` I use macOS 10.12.6 BTW

``` $ python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/andychen/Documents/arkgui/GUI/", line 94, in OnInit self.Index = Index(parent=None) File "/Users/andychen/Documents/arkgui/GUI/Frames/", line 294, in __init__ wx.Font(12, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, "等线"))...

如图,screen reader一项下没有任何显示,无法给应用开启无障碍服务 重新解除封印后问题依旧 ![Screenshot_20210306-203006_Settings](

## 基本信息 - 操作系统版本:macOS 10.12.6 - 所在国家:China - 网络运营商:China Telecom - 软件版本:2.56 ## 问题描述 没法发送弹幕...没有错误码...而且每次都这样... ## 截图

## 基本信息 - 操作系统版本:OS X 10.10.5 - 所在国家:中国 - 网络运营商:中国电信 - 软件版本:2.52 ## 问题描述 每次拿这个客户端逛 Bilibili 的时候总是能看到一大堆广告。怎么去除它们? ## 截图

# 🐛 Bug report ## What issue are you facing All musics, including those liked and those appeared in the search page, aren't playable. For each of my attempts Auryo...

❓ Question

~~tql %%%~~ > ### 进repo啥都别说, 先一起喊: > # Hello burnt green bird! **@Fedoraer 船新作品** **2018.8.20 决战洛谷之巅**

I have this workflow right here, basically taken from the [example]( in the docs: ``` name: C/C++ AppImage on: push: branches: - master pull_request: branches: - master jobs: build-appimage: runs-on:...