Aleksandr Borisov
Aleksandr Borisov
Ok, thanks.
Thanks, Oliver! I agree cancelled requests should not be used for limit calculations. I will update the library these holidays, also appreciate any help with it
Oh, thank you very much! I need some time to review the changes
Russian translation in #170. Great job, Oliver!
Oh, sorry. I need to format 100 euro as `100,00 €` in German, and as `€100.00` in English. Is it correct that `.format` could not be configured like this?
I'm having same issue in following scenario: request some page, which comes with cache header (Last-Modified and ETag), when request same page with wiselinks. In this case, wiselinks received full...
@Phifo please check if fixes your issue
@PikachuEXE please use last argument of the 'page:done' event – it contains one of two possible values: full document (in case of http caching) or wiselinks content only (is case...
@PikachuEXE not understand %)
@PikachuEXE If you want custom processing logic, you may patch some handlers like: ``` coffeescript window._Wiselinks.RequestManager::_html_loaded = ($target, data, status, xhr) -> response = new window._Wiselinks.Response(data, xhr, $target) url =...