Ahson Khan
Ahson Khan
The other question that @LarryOsterman posed: Should we call the API decode, instead of unescape, since we are decoding the JSON string? The action happening is clearer with decode, since...
It is useful to be able to test against older versions of the dependencies, for reach and adoption. The only "real" dependency atm is curl (which is also optional), and...
There is only one caller of this internal method, and it is guaranteed to call it correctly, but we should add a null precondition check on `last_token_kind` for maintainability and...
> The need for `json_text` validation is interesting. The JSON reader init method does the precondition validation already. Is the ask to duplicate such validation? That's doable, but it seems...
cc @KarishmaGhiya since you are working on the general problem with links in READMEs and docs (for C/C++, we use doxygen). One concern with making links point to master (brought...
As the issue description (and source comment) mentions, this is by design and we should be hesitant to change the behavior, since it changes the output and could potentially break...
Before deleting it, we should consider updating the release notes for the 1.1.0 release and update the link to the release tag (or remove it all together): https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-c/releases/tag/1.1.0 cc @danieljurek,...
> Before deleting it, we should consider updating the release notes for the 1.1.0 release and update the link to the release tag (or remove it all together): https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-c/releases/tag/1.1.0 >...
cc @JeffreyRichter, @gilbertw, @vhvb1989, @antkmsft
Example pipeline that failed after timeout with this error, during `Publish bom_manifest_$(BomArtifactName) Artifacts` step: > ##[error]Artifact bom_manifest_LinuxARM_Release_Logging already exists for build 1484310. https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/internal/_build/results?buildId=1484310&view=results ```text [](https://vsblobprodcus3.vsblob.visualstudio.com/A0fb41ef4-5012-48a9-bf39-4ee3de03ee35/%22,%22X_TFS_Session%22:%22ee63dc5c-11ab-43a1-a39b-076feb3ade7c%22,%22DeploymentEnvironment%22:%22PRODUCTION%22,%22DeploymentEnvironmentIsProduction%22:%22True%22,%22VSOAccount%22:%22vsblobprodcus3%22,%22OSName%22:%22Linux%22,%22OSVersion%22:%222022%22,%22FrameworkDescription%22:%22.NET)Verbose, ApplicationInsightsTelemetrySender waiting for 0 of...