Ahmad Nassri

Results 179 comments of Ahmad Nassri

interesting idea, but I don't think I'll work on adding that myself, but if you make a pull request with the functionality, i'll happily review it and ultimately merge it

I'm woring on a rewrite that removes need to use docker ... that said, you can run a [workflow with different jobs on different platforms](https://docs.github.com/en/actions/reference/workflow-syntax-for-github-actions#jobsjob_idruns-on) (win, mac, linux) let this...

I think that can be left to the application owner to decide how they want to indicate ranges in their `package.json` or equivalent... dependabot already follows that. and following the...

I'd leave this open for a bit and see what other users might say

@narwold if you configure the rules to only auto-merge "patch" (a.k.a `0.x.y` where `y` is changed) then it will only auto-merge these... you can also configure specific pacakages to behavre...

"the decision to merge" shouldnt' be confused with "stability" of a package ... e.g. if you're developing a series of interdependant packages, all while they are in the "pre 1.x.x"...

I think ... this should be working, maybe something missed in the parsing .. since the `-stuff` is valid semver... will test and verify

so, the interesting thing here, the *tag* syntax used by node, is actually a valid semver string according to the [semver spec](https://semver.org/)... and since it's parsed as a whole, it's...

I opened an issue in the official node repo: https://github.com/nodejs/docker-node/issues/1369

I wish there was a better way to get info from dependabot (like an API!) the current mechanism this action uses is actually not great: it parses the pull request...