Ahmad Nassri

Results 179 comments of Ahmad Nassri

fun! and also, meta!

it's actually because `2.2` is not a valid semver: https://github.com/ahmadnassri/action-dependabot-auto-merge/blob/bacda948a54941e442c216f4c1c84240c8f9c04a/action/lib/parse.js#L44-L51 the mysteries of why and how dependabot decides what number to use is bizzare .... (or why sometimes it doens't...

you could also see something wrong with that PR ... dependabot derped and included `.releaserc` file as a changelog?!?! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/183195/96929025-7326df80-1487-11eb-9e0b-be73ff24434c.png) I wonder if they are experimenting with updates in production!

apologies for delayed follow up, I've been dealing with personal issues and have not had time to help debug. any community member help is more than appreciated. though a quick...

as @mercuriete indicated, there has been no changes to the _released_ code since Feb 2... _(and thoese were in no-way logical behaviour changes, just github repo cleanup)_ I wonder if...

I checked the examples linekd, and ran the action on a number of my own private and public repos ... it's continues to be functional and the examples linked are...

confirmed! I found the same issue on private repos in a different org ... all the overnight dependabot PRs failed with the same error ... upon hitting "re-run jobs" ......

and it wasn't just THIS action ... seems like EVERY Personal Access Token wasn't being read properly, here's an example of a job that relies on a **different** PAT for...

@mercuriete I saw it in one org so far, I'm digging through the others I have ... but so far, every one I found, I hit "re-run" and it works...

no worries, let us know if you learn of anything interesting from them