Ahmad Kheirandish

Results 8 comments of Ahmad Kheirandish

Hi For creating Bagfiles just checkout here: [http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag](http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag) you can create rosbag file while your sensor is publishing just by using [rosbag commandlines](http://wiki.ros.org/rosbag/Commandline) then you need to modify semantic_slam/semantic_slam/params/semantic_cloud.yaml file...

If you already have your own model , you just need to modify this file; semantic_slam/semantic_slam/params/semantic_cloud.yaml and substitute this line; model_path: "/home/interns/xuan/models/pspnet_50_ade20k.pth"

Check this page: [pytorch-semseg](https://github.com/meetshah1995/pytorch-semseg)

Hi before run $ catkin_make just create a filename.txt file and insert below libraries and packages to it and then : setuptools>=41.0.0 numpy>=1.15 scipy Pillow cython opencv-python== matplotlib scikit-image tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1...

If you are in conda environment , possibly this would help you to solve it ; [https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/rospkg](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/rospkg) .

Hi check this issue , it might help you: [issue-40]( https://github.com/floatlazer/semantic_slam/issues/40 ) and also : [issue-34](https://github.com/floatlazer/semantic_slam/issues/34)

* For your first question; maybe if you decrease the rosbag play rate , it would help you ; $ rosbag play --clock -r 0.6 dataset.bag * For your second...

Hi For getting the semantic octomap in Rviz with your own dataset or camera , you have to modify "color_pcl_generator.py" and multiplicate below lines to Depth_Map_Factor , for example to...