Behavior-Centric Cybersecurity Center (BCCC)
Behavior-Centric Cybersecurity Center (BCCC)
CICFlowmeter-V4.0 (formerly known as ISCXFlowMeter) is an Ethernet traffic Bi-flow generator and analyzer for anomaly detection that has been used in many Cybersecurity datsets such as Android Adware-...
DoHlyzer is a DNS over HTTPS (DoH) traffic flow generator and analyzer for anomaly detection and characterization.
ISCXFlowMeter is an Ethernet traffic flow generator and analyzer for anomaly detection which has been used in different network security datasets such as ISCX VPN dataset (ISCXVPN2016) and ISCX Tor da...
VolMemLyzer (Volatility Memory Analyzer) is a feature extraction module which use Volatility plugins to extract memory features to generate a CSV file for each memory snapshot.