CICFlowMeter copied to clipboard
CICFlowmeter-V4.0 (formerly known as ISCXFlowMeter) is an Ethernet traffic Bi-flow generator and analyzer for anomaly detection that has been used in many Cybersecurity datsets such as Android Adware-...
Install jnetpcap local repo
for linux, sudo is a prerequisite
//linux :at the pathtoproject/jnetpcap/linux/jnetpcap-1.4.r1425
//windows: at the pathtoproject/jnetpcap/win/jnetpcap-1.4.r1425
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=jnetpcap.jar -DgroupId=org.jnetpcap -DartifactId=jnetpcap -Dversion=1.4.1 -Dpackaging=jar
IntelliJ IDEA
open a Terminal in the IDE
$ sudo bash
$ ./gradlew execute
$ gradlew execute
Run eclipse with sudo
1. Right click -> Run As -> Run Configurations -> Arguments -> VM arguments:
-Djava.library.path="pathtoproject/jnetpcap/linux/jnetpcap-1.4.r1425" -> Run
2. Right click -> Run As -> Java Application
Make package
IntelliJ IDEA
open a Terminal in the IDE
$ ./gradlew distZip
$ gradlew distZip
the zip file will be in the pathtoproject/CICFlowMeter/build/distributions
At the project root
mvn package
the jar file will be in the pathtoproject/CICFlowMeter/target