Results 9 comments of 阿豪

加了ts也转不了, 感觉貌似transformSync之前需要先把类型干掉, 但没找到对应的方法

> `path_filter` , is function for filter request , not for `dir listing` the first param of filter fn is the `request path ` as your code: if you visisted...

I tried running bindgen in my pc and encountered no issues besides needing to set rustc-link-arg in debug mode, it runs fine in release mode.

@alexander-akait @rishabh3112 PTAL, ready to merge~

> So what is the issue or question? Do you want a wrapper function for comfortability? Something like this ![image](

This is a demo build by, I'm not sure if there are any issues with this implementation, but this is the simplest way I can think of, and it...

> Why go the route loading the font via CSS instead of getting the data directly from the `Font` object? This also has the same issue as #586 I'm not...

same issue,, install dep failed

nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc unchanged - rustc 1.76.0-nightly (283170175 2023-11-17) ``` Some errors have detailed explanations: E0405, E0412, E0422, E0425, E0433, E0514. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0405`. error:...