Anton Gilgur

Results 283 comments of Anton Gilgur

@tczhao the test failures are unrelated, see #13002 and [Slack thread]( where Isitha, Alan, and I were investigating it but haven't found the root cause yet

> Test failure is due to failed to retrieve the log See also #8935 for an issue on logs in Argo v3.4. I mentioned there that setting `POD_NAMES=v1` will also...

FWIW, I recently had to make a small change to this in Argo's own UI (see, and the code for pod names is limited to [this single file]( You...

You might notice `podSpecPatch` a few lines below -- you can set that to change anything on the Pod

Oh and the other [remaining test failure]( needs a change in `TestExecutorPluginsSuite/TestTemplateExecutor` to handle the now set SC fields (it was expecting them to be `nil` before): ``` executor_plugins_test.go:41: Error...

Annnd apparently Expo recently (legit 2 months ago) added support for PWAs w/ RNW 😮 See the [blog post]( and the [examples repo]( Most of the links in the blog...

Welp, made a [web-support]( branch for this on top of #12 annnd it fell pretty flat 😢 There are some [issues]( with Expo Web, but getting past that leads to...

Tried to do a workaround by adding an `iframe`, and the iframe actually _did_ load, but I was unable to parse the iframe's `document` (second error as listed [here](, so...

Some other workaround scripts from Simple version: ```sh cat .spelling | sort | uniq | tee .spelling > /dev/null ``` More complex skipping a few comments at the top...

> I tried `make pre-commit -B` (had to install `go` first) and it failed with `protoc` not found. Do I need to keep working my way through these, or is...