Ashlesh Gawande
Ashlesh Gawande
Maybe NFD from previous experiment is not killed properly? Can you check in ps aux?
So nodes are connected like c(c-eth0)----(a-eth1)a(a-eth0)----(b-eth0)b(b-eth1)---(d-eth0)d a-eth0 and b-eth0 will have consecutive IPs and can reach each other. And if it is not the default interface (ex: a-eth0, you will...
Means there is no route to /ndn/h1-site/h1 in nfdc fib. Can you check nfdc fib on the node and also share the topology?
Okay so /ndn/h1-site/h1 is present on h2. Is the ndnpingserver running on h1 node?
Not sure, maybe time.sleep for 1 or 2 seconds after running ndnpingserver?
NLSR does not support multicast faces yet,
Does this happen with the latest commit from github? I had fixed a similar bug earlier which is not part of any release yet I think: Can...