Just tried running this, and I'm seeing this issue: ` File "", line 588 f"\033[0;4;32mDumping music to: {args.output_directory}\033[0m" ^` ^
@kryptek - python 3 was the issue, I was able to get it working. I am however getting stuck on the way the script reads from the config.json file. I...
@kryptek, thanks for the help. Modifying the script to allow for optional config.json did the trick. I was having another issue prior to utilizing your new branch, which was the...
I am also having a similar issue with the ": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" message. Although, I don't believe my issue is the same as OP, but rather...
@bnfinet, I am utilizing the ODIC provider with OKTA. I have had Vouch successfully authenticating with the auto generated okta domain (i.e., however when I try to use a...
@bnfinet, Yes CA public CA files are at `/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt` logs: Vouch Config: Vouch Docker commands: `docker run -d -p 9090:9090 --name vouch-proxy -v /etc/vouch/config:/config voucher/vouch-proxy`