Thomas Kerin

Results 149 comments of Thomas Kerin

Have you broadcast the transaction anywhere or have you just run the script here? bitcoin-php doesn't broadcast transactions for you, it's up to you. I notice you're using smartbit as...

The example you linked to actually doesn't do all the work necessary to make sure it broadcast. If you have an error it'd silently do nothing, but it should really...

It looks like you still haven't corrected the issue I mentioned in that other issue/PR where you shared it with me (`ScriptFactory::fromHex($input['scriptPubKey']),` at the bottom) Also, this is wrong (typo,...

Yea block cypher isn't kept up to date, but you might not need that to broadcast, maybe you could make the request with curl? Or else just pick a different...

Hmm, I haven't tried it with dash! I wonder do they use a different hashing algorithm? Surprised `getHash` even works with LTC 2bh, isn't that just scrypt?

The OutputFactory in andkom/php-bitcoin-address is a different implementation from that library, not this one. I think the P2PK address is just the pubkey hex, unless I'm mistaken. What does andkom/php-bitcoin-address...

> Cannot figure it out for 37 sleepless hours. Oh wow! You should have posted an issue sooner :) The 0'th output of the input tx 76a44ad2ed45c37a03fb5ca77f6a842152d85a46fbe6d371324742011031968a is a P2WPKH...

> So this number in "input('hash', 'NUMBER')" means the id of the UTXO? Yes - it's the id of the output of transaction identified by 'hash'. And when you're signing,...

This is a really common point of confusion - I hope to reword that part soon. Think of it this way. (Except coinbase transactions -) all inputs are outputs which...