Thomas Kerin

Results 149 comments of Thomas Kerin for phpunit fixup PR

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you don't - it uses an ancient version of the library that doesn't work any more :( (because of a badly written composer.json file) the only way to fix this...

do you plan to use the blockcypher wallet or anything? if you just want the api, maybe fork their repo and delete everything but the api methods you need. or,...

Check the Bitcoin or BitcoinTestnet network implementation. You have to change the address prefixes so it matches Block Cyphers. Generate an address of a known type on blockcypher, then decode...

See the examples & tests and look for usages of Mnemonic or BIP39 Edit: normally you use bip39 with bip32 and some wallet convention like bip44, etc to get...

Hey! Good questions here. I've accepted PR's for address related constants and stuff because it's simple and unintrusive, but I don't want to widen the scope of this library beyond...

Mostly wanted to preserve the relative namespace path after the new root for familiarity, but nothing major. You can do `use ... as ...` to import them differently in userspace...

Decode a transaction Sign a P2SH multisig transaction. There are examples of other address types. Just delete the part that builds the spend transaction, and call TransactionFactory::fromHex instead.

Unfortunately I can't debug your code without seeing it. Based on the error, you probably put the redeem or output script in the scriptSig instead of pushing it..