Ferhat Kurtulmuş
Ferhat Kurtulmuş
It would be nice if we could access the attributes like: string id = entity.attributes!"id"; or entity.attributes["id"]; please forgive me for my ignorance in advance, if I missed an existing...
LDC 1.19.0 64 bit How to reproduce: Download and unzip the repo run `dub run :basic` gdb crash report: ``` gdb: unknown target exception 0xc000041d at 0x7ffa2ff3a799 Thread 1 received...
Yes, why? It is a huge hassle. Can you easily implement an auto split procedure using a scikit-learn function (train_test_split)?
Dear Mike, I have been struggling to compile an example code on https://theartofmachinery.com/2018/12/20/emscripten_d.html. I realized that bindbc-sdl uses some types from core.stdc. Those are not available when compiling for wasm....
This is a rewrite of scikit-image's 2D fast skeletonized algorithm[1] written in cython. An example usage is also included in the examples folder. 1: https://github.com/scikit-image/scikit-image/blob/main/skimage/morphology/_skeletonize_cy.pyx
Those are needed for OSX .
Hi, I have ported the code to the d programming language [here](https://github.com/aferust/epanet-d-dev) for learning purposes and fun. I think dlang better suits "the code to be more modular, extensible, and...
if so, choose one of them and please add an image classification example, for instance, covering - loading the trainig images with opencv (I made a binding to opencv). -...
Please provide binaries of the compiler for windows x86_64 and other archs if possible.
in: https://github.com/Ohjurot/DualSense-Windows/blob/main/VS19_Solution/DualSenseWindows/src/DualSenseWindows/IO.cpp#L91 //0x0CE6 => regular dualsense 0x0DF2 => dualsense edge if (vendorId == 0x054C && (productId == 0x0CE6 || productId == 0x0DF2))