Martin Aeschlimann

Results 69 issues of Martin Aeschlimann

_From @isidorn on December 6, 2016 11:16_ Refs #16526 Event handler values should have javascript coloring. Currently it is colored as a string but all the js funcitonality is there....

Moved from Cloned this repo - Opened Looks like there is a documentation syntax with `"""` and I am wondering whether this should be coloured as comments...

Since 1.43, VSCode themes can take advantage of [semantic highlighting]( Every theme controls whether semantic tokens are enabled. So far, only built-in themes have it enabled and I filed this...

From Try the following code sample in Atom or VSCode: ```less @charset "UTF-8"; @keyframes fadeIn { } @page :first { margin: 1in; } @supports (display:flex) { } @namespace url(jttp://;...


_From @thijsvandien on March 2, 2017 17:13_ - VSCode Version: Code 1.10.1 (653f8733dd5a5c43d66d7168b4701f94d72b62e5, 2017-03-02T00:27:09.350Z) - OS Version: Darwin x64 15.6.0 - Extensions: |Extension|Author|Version| |---|---|---| |python|donjayamanne|0.5.9| |vim|vscodevim|0.5.3|; --- Steps to Reproduce:...

Steps to Reproduce: 1. Copy below content into file `` ``` #Error dialog description ERROR_TEXT=Currently there's no data in the back end #This is the title for the detail page...

The double quote hilight does not take account of escaped double quote example file : ```ini [test] hilightValues = "expected \" double quote colored" shouldNotBeHilight = toto ``` everything after...

_From @sprinkle131313 on January 25, 2017 5:0_ It seems github has the same highlight error. The ";" character doesn't indicate a comment in the following context: ```ini ; comment [Something]...

Testing #6220 Windows Remote-WSL v0.71.2021121615 (pre-release) Version: 1.64.0-insider (user setup) Commit: f93c69659de1a1466bd15e0f1c9f790e73be9208 Date: 2022-01-25T08:42:41.055Z OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19044 In #6220, step 3, it says that when I open a new...
