Adam Meehan

Results 7 issues of Adam Meehan

Just wondering if this line should be a `forEach` rather than `map`?

See The `merge` presumes a hash of conditions but this raises error if the conditions are a relation.

gist needed

Don't mean to be a pain, but I am interested to review the changelog of each gem version released. I'm guilty of falling behind in the changelog of my own...

As a solution to the current infinite loop issue, I've approached it by handling include vs prepend slightly differently so that you are just using `alias_method_chain` or `super` respectively. No...


I'm having some issues with the latest release v1.2.0. In diagnosing I read through the gem code and saw quite a bit of method pollution in the base controller I'd...


Hi Pete Sequel does a refresh by default for an inserted row, so there is no need for the explicit refresh in the Machinist adapter. Thanks Adam

Any reason not to support these cache methods? I gather you don't use them so you left them out. Wondering if you want a PR for it?