Results 7 issues of Adrien CARBONARO

I've seen a strange behavior with HID device enumeration with `node-hid`. ## Context - I use `iProduct` string descriptor to set my product name. - I use HID Interface `iInterface`...

As using `HID.devices()` is CPU heavy, would it be possible to make it promise so it does not block UI ?

Hi, I use node-hid on Windows 10 + Mac OS 11 (Big Sur) to recognize a HID device. On Windows, everything is working fine but on Mac OS, `HID.devices()` only...


I get this error : ``` C:\Users\user\project\node_modules\shifty\dist\shifty.node.js:1091 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of null at getFormatChunksFrom (C:\Users\user\project\node_modules\shifty\dist\shifty.node.js:1091) at getFormatSignatures (C:\Users\user\project\node_modules\shifty\dist\shifty.node.js:1281) at tweenCreated (C:\Users\user\project\node_modules\shifty\dist\shifty.node.js:1440) at Tweenable._applyFilter (C:\Users\user\project\node_modules\shifty\dist\shifty.node.js:588) at Module.interpolate (C:\Users\user\project\node_modules\shifty\dist\shifty.node.js:1538)...

When I use this code : ```, { from : { color: 'var(--my-color)' }, to : { color: 'var(--my-color)' } });, { from : { color: 'var(--my-other-color)' },...

I've noticed that when I count the number of active threads, the `InputReportProcessingThread` is always active, even when device is disconnected. The following line abort the `InputReportReaderThread` when device is...

- [x] I am on the [latest]( version - [x] I have searched the [issues]( of this repo and believe that this is not a duplicate - **OS version...