Nikolaj Ivancic

Results 94 comments of Nikolaj Ivancic

Hello @loaded02 (Moritz) Thanks for such quick and positive response. I have a strong preference for partnering with you (perceived as a "proxy" for **[aurelia-realworld-example-app](**, because I care about using...

Anticipating your positive answer, I took the liberty to invite you to the **[conduit](** repository, so you could occasionally take a peek and save me from going into some ditch....

My comments **[above](** were made only as "thoughts sharing", as I have no intent to make you do anything outside of your plans, Moritz. Any and all enhancements will be...

My initial approach **[stated above](** is derived from my desire to do the exactly same thing for Aurelia that Eric Simmons is already doing in a lot more elegant way...

A second question (coming from my perception of your profile) is very natural in this specific scenario: would you need an over experienced (and thus very old guy) as a...

I do know now that the code in **[this repository](** does not match the text in the **[Tutorial](**. For example: **[Step 1: Create your first blog post](** says: ``` Create...

Thanks for responding @bencodezen - I believe that I understand the situation: your plan is to evolve the code in to fit the tutorial in, with the added...

Yes there is: because Aurelia templating cannot cooperate successfully with KendoUI templating. There is no KendoUI API available for that.

Similarly, my answer was too inclusive as the bridge does support Templates as shown **[here](**. Please provide a gist that illustrates your problem, and open the case to ensure the...

Let's ask @JeroenVinke for the answer to this, now _very specific_ question, as he wrote that comment. My guess would be that the Aurelia template compiler does not work sufficiently...