Aditya Radhakrishnan
Aditya Radhakrishnan
Hey @jazzblue so I realized that our docs are misleading. Soft deletion only means that an entity won't show up in Search or Browse, but its entity page will still...
It actually looks like we do support soft deletion for ML models via the legacy snapshot aspects, as shown here Given this, I'm going to close this one out!
Hey @djordje-mijatovic have you had a chance to take a look at Peter's feedback?
Thanks for reporting this @xiphl ! This has been solved with this PR being merged Really appreciate you noticing this bug and posting it here
Hi @devantler I'm a little confused by the issue. Glossary terms can only be children of Glossary nodes, not Terms. I'm not sure how you're observing that the inherited relation...
Got it! Yes please feel free to reopen once you get back to DataHub, and good luck with your work and thesis! Thank you
Can you check if `datahub docker check` works?
Hey @lenartowski were you able to look into Harshal's pointers? Is this still an issue for you?
Hey @GyuhoonK with the fresh Documentation Changes we've added, this should be resolved. Check out where I was able to validate that this is no longer an issue! If...
Hi @neojunjie let us know when you're planning on picking this up again!