Added a verb to print a list of all goodies, their weights and relative percents, as well as highlight any jobs with no job specific loot. I'll use this at...
All the authors from the original pr are credited, unsure of who did sprites specifically
Thats illegal
The command line options do not work, there is no way to specify official mappings.
Any reason #4092 isn't just a separate checkbox?
The main issue is if I need to authenticate with SASL username/password then it won't send the cert at all, so there is no way to se the fingerprint. As...
Seeing this bug is PO3 with agricraft seeds and cobblestone
De-serializing into `LocalDate` throws errors for me, changing that to `java.util.Date` fixed it though
All maps done except gax because I'm terrified of #21623
As far as I know, TG has always had the teleported cube system, but it makes the existence of the cubes strange "we have your bounty item from the teleporter,...