Adam Hill

Results 103 comments of Adam Hill

It would also be nice to have a default "theme" so users can just create markdown files and things look good "out of the box". is used now in...

Renaming models fails because it misses the input. ``` (.venv) ➜ fake-dir git:(master) ✗ dj md Running 'md' (./ makemigrations && ./ migrate)... failed. 😞 Traceback (most recent call last):...

Would be useful to trigger Python code instead of just having shell commands in `execute`.

This is a neat idea! I wonder if all of the columns could be configurable, but there is a default set of columns if none are specified. Or is that...

@sjbitcode Since you just created, what do you think about this idea?

Are you trying to decorate a particular method in a `UnicornView` class? If you can give me some sample code I can dig into what might be going on!

[This issue]( seems similar to what you are looking to do. For my own code, I tend to override [mount]( and do an auth check there (a decorator should work...

Can you fork this repo and make an example of how you are creating the view. Thank you!

Thanks for the kind words! I'm not sure what is happening with `LocationUpdate` not updating the history. I am using `pushState` in the JS here: Is this only happening...