Adam Hill

Results 105 comments of Adam Hill

Ok, so what is happening is this: `updated_*` and `updated` were originally only designed to fire when setting a component's property from the front-end. It was mostly a way to...

I understand that. What I meant was setting a component property from the frontend, i.e. `set value` as opposed to calling a component method. `updated_` was designed to give a...

@roman-tiukh That's interesting! Any chance you can fork and provide some code that I can use to replicate? Ideally with some comments for what you would expect to happen...

Hello, I'm having a little trouble understanding what might be going on. Any chance you can make a public repo with a reproducible error, or fork this repo and add...

@nerdoc I think you are right that I should just raise the error right away, but I'll dig into this and see if I can find any edge cases that...

Sorry about this! I'm going to make the error more clear in the next release, but I won't be able to fix it for the next week or so. But,...

Good call. I'll clean that up when I add some additional form functionality in the next release.

I'm sorry to hear this. 0.42.1 switched the data in components gets serialized. Before, I was using `orjson` to serialize, but switched away to limit how many times data needed...

@mailantwi Do you have an example I can look at to replicate this? Otherwise, I'll close this in a few days. Thanks!

Ah, ok. If you can give me some sample code that replicates it (even if it would only happen in certain environments) I can take a look. Thanks!