Alex Potsides

Results 219 comments of Alex Potsides

I've just run into this too. @ArekSredzki I'm happy to spend some time on the branch tidying it up if you can push it.

Interesting, and wild. Switching both to use default exports slows CJS down to ESM speeds as well: ```js // esm.js export default class ESMClass // cjs.cjs module.exports = CJSClass ```...

When you dial a peer, it's possible to temporarily exceed the connection limit. When the node [notices]( the connection limit has been exceeded, it'll [close some connections]( to bring itself...

Vite is supported, the [example]( should pass now. It's not been [synced into it's own repo]( because something has changed in github permissions around overwriting actions yml files - that's...

Sometimes you have to specify the config file explicitly with the command line `--config` arg?

> any concerns around adding optional cid parameter that would disable hasher in We had this before. But we removed it because the only way to verify that the block...

What version of node are you running?

@ekumahost please upgrade to a supported node version - 14 or 15. @elmariachi111 you are running in a browser and likely have a different problem

This may be related to your use of JSDom in the test execution:

The whole idea here is that node streams are async iterators, and we use async iterators internally extensively, so let's just support async iterators and have everything else convert to...