A. Craze

Results 10 issues of A. Craze

A Post-Geometric Futurological Manifesto. > At 1000 Hz we clearly hear the sequence of small whales Repo: https://github.com/accraze/nanogenmo16 Written by Markov chains trained on text from the Internet Archive. Training...


I am trying to run pypicloud on an EC2 instance. The UI works fine and I can log in, upload and fetch there just fine, however, I can't seem to...

We should add info about all cli commands to the sphinx docs


Travis CI sucks now and shouldn't be used. Let's move our build system (tox tests etc.) over to GH actions. We should be able to use https://github.com/ymyzk/tox-gh-actions and get seamless...


Tox seems to be having issues not being able to find the Python3.4 interpreter. This might be due to TravisCI setting the default dist to be Xenial. Additionally, we default...


It would be great if there was some sort of TensorFlow compatibility. Having configuration that would enable output for something like [`tf.stack`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/stack) or [`tf.convert_to_tensor`](https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/convert_to_tensor) would be helpful.


For some reason coverage.py is failing to `combine` and `report` for coveralls

Adding test teardown to drop collection after each run.

Need to figure out how to unit test `JobQueue.__iter__`... see https://github.com/discogs/pymongo-job-queue/blob/master/pymjq/test.py#L50 Due to the cursor staying open and waiting for new documents to enter the queue, this method never returns...

help wanted

In `v2.0.0` it would be great if we introduced channels to the queue. You should be able to assign a worker to listen to a specific channel with full pub/sub...
