A. Craze

Results 10 comments of A. Craze

Confirming I am having the same issue on macOS Montery M1

I had this issue earlier this week but was able to run `phantomjs` from the command line. Adding `export PHANTOMJS_BIN=/usr/local/bin/phantomjs` to my .bashrc/.zshrc seemed to fix it.

Need character names? Here's a NodeJS module that spits out different names of characters from Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace: https://github.com/accraze/infinitejest-names

This project is being (and will continue to be) livestreamed here: https://www.livecoding.tv/accraze/

![untitled](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/989447/20651331/36f67da2-b498-11e6-9940-fd2f6587cfc8.gif) Crunchin' Corpus

## Open Source Libraries Two libraries were created for this project: * [ia-markov](https://github.com/accraze/python-ia-markov) - train a markov model on text from the internet archive * [markov-novel](https://github.com/accraze/python-markov-novel) - create a novel...

The novel is available at: https://archive.org/details/mythologyandtheslap https://github.com/accraze/nanogenmo16/blob/master/novel.pdf

Hey @jgarte - this is a great idea! I think it would be really helpful to include some flags that let you output the view in different formats (i.e. rich-text,...

Hey @jgarte I love this idea and agree that the API should reflect the composers mindset. I think most of these operations should be fairly straightforward to implement - I...

Hey @jgarte that's a great idea! Any suggestions on MIDI libraries? I can try to upgrade over the next couple of weeks, but feel free to send a patch if...