Juan Karlo Licudine
Juan Karlo Licudine
This is the continuation of the problem I've outlined [here](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/flambe/1ON9O0rjBI4). The problem [was fixed](https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/issues/3674#event-207417574) by using a nightly version of Haxe. However, a new problem has appeared and it seems...
It would be nice if Scene can be notified if a scene transition has finished executing. Cocos2D-x has something similar called onEnterTransitionDidFinish as seen [here](http://www.cocos2d-x.org/reference/native-cpp/V3.2alpha0/d3/d82/classcocos2d_1_1_node.html#a9ecc243090bd42aa514f0df65848f588). > If the Node enters...
There is a problem with PatternSprite where it does not display the provided image properly using the iPad 1. On later iPads it works fine. The problem can be seen...
The stage width and height is incorrect when running HTML5 in landscape view in webview mode. In portrait orientation it detects the correct sizes: 768x1024. But when the game is...
## Overview There is a problem when saving a page if there is a special character on the buffer. I found the bug when I tried saving a buffer with...
I would like to upload a package: haxe-imports - https://github.com/accidentalrebel/emacs-haxe-imports My email address: [email protected]
Hello! I saw your video about your blue-jupyter notebook and in it you mentioned that you planned on adding a downloader from Malware Bazaar. I decided to add this feature...