Juan Karlo Licudine
Juan Karlo Licudine
Maybe there's a css style that is overriding the settings for you game? Check web/index.html and check if there's a width and height that was changed previously. ## Juan Karlo...
You are correct Simn. Changing the double quotes to single quotes removed the error. But nothing seems to be happening after that.
Found the cause of the problem. I was using Air 15.0.0 and it wan't working well with the IOS deployment of the latest version of Flambe. To fix: I downgraded...
@kreso22 Yeah, sorry if I was vague. As @aduros has mentioned, you need to get the Flambe source and edit from there. > but Apple will reject your appstore submission...
Hi there, I did a test project to test this out which you can access on an iPad1 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2122500/PatternSpriteTest/index.html and https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2122500/PatternSpriteTest/index.html?flambe=html The first bar is the original image. The second...
Here's a screenshot just in case you do not have an iPad in reach. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2122500/PatternSpriteTest/sc.PNG
The problem also appears on the iPad3.
I shall give it another look and will post my findings here. Thanks.
Tested using the [MiHTool](http://www.iunbug.com/mihtool). Bug still there.
I recently had to tackle this problem. While it is not the same system as Mark's, you may want to check out my own implementation wherein the stage resizes depending...