Andrea Bueide

Results 39 comments of Andrea Bueide

anyone know how to fix this? Stacktrace Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.DebugProbesKt (in module kotlin.stdlib) cannot access class kotlinx.coroutines.debug.internal.DebugProbesImpl (in module kotlinx.coroutines.core.jvm) because module kotlin.stdlib does...

@lion7 thanks so much i've been banging my head against the wall trying to figure out what this meant.

@lion7 weird so I enabled --illegal-access=permit through out all my gradle settings & configuration stuff where there was an xmx. running through gradle, its fine, there's no exceptions. its only...

Yeah I did do that, but the fact that its happening only in intellij says something weird is going on. I even set idea's own jvm parameters to have it....

@lazyii no sadly i never figured it out. I ended up switching to badassruntime so I didn't have to deal with the modules system.

@p-schneider yeah this is exactly what I experienced as well

Hey now that compose multiplatform is a bit more mature any thoughts or updates on this?

yeah currently i'm naively estimating percentage by taking the current running time divided by the average completion time for that plot. if you haven't completed a plot it can't estimate...

@a19901201 affinity support probably won't be in 1.2 but will be one of the bigger features after. For now there's a video showing how this guy set up harry plotter...