For anyone looking for support for newer `python` and `django` versions, you can look at [`dj-hitcount`](https://github.com/abhiabhi94/dj-hitcount/)
hey @housUnus, thanks for creating the issue. while i understand it can be annoying, your issue describes no information on how to reproduce the situation. i'm sorry but open-source doesn't...
> This means replies of replies are always ignored As of now, I don't think we can add a reply to a reply. Comments can only be nested up to...
I think this will break a lot of current manager methods, we can probably keep this for the major version bump.
I think this can be used even without enabling anonymous. Developers may choose to use normal commenting without reactions. Although, I think we can maybe wait to implement this feature...
> My comment.css file is rendering in debug = True but not in debug = False. All the other css files of project are working in debug is False and...