Toumi abderrahmane
Toumi abderrahmane
We know that the administrative division in Algeria has changed from 48 wilaya, to 58 wilaya, so it is clear that many of the data in this package are outdated....
**Bug Description** i just forked and cloned the repo i installed ruby after running the command bundle exec middleman build or server i get this error : no implicit conversion...
i added some js code and html to make possible for me to import a png with an image , i wanted to add what i did to this repository...
I think that its gonna be a good idea if your website support arabic i can take care of this !
When there is no internet connection the user can not access the articles or the learn section we can use a service worker and progressive web apps to add offline...
# Description i added some missing functions , that i need to use in leblad web api - [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue) - [X]...
add a list of natural disaster for each Wilaya example : ```json { "WilayaName": { "natural disaster":{ "earthquakes" : [ {"name": "name" , "date " : 22-3-2000, "deaths" : 1...
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لققد قمت بالتالئ اولا: تحويل واجهة المستخدم الى react ثانيا: اضافة service worker و بعض ال caching للصور و الملفات ثالثا: تعدبل على لعض اسماء الملفات